TECNUN’s Energy Efficiency Laboratories were opened with the installation of a Hybrid distributed power System including, in addition to roof-top solar PV components, a Kliux Zebra turbine which will allow the students at the school to supplement their academic training with studies and research on energy efficiency by using small wind energy. San Sebastián, 16…
FuturEnergy published in its April issue the report “Real applications of small wind in urban residential environments” by Kliux Energies: solutions for self-generation, process R & D research and technical data about the production of Kliux Zebra VAWT. “Today’s market demands new self-generation solutions, especially power generation by renewable energy sources. With this growing demand,…
Kliux Energies participates in New Energy, the most important renewable energies trade fair in Europe Additionally, Kliux will be a speaker at the World Summit for Small Wind and will share stand with other Spanish manufacturers under the brand: “Small Wind Spain”. New Energy is the international renewable energies trade fair being held in the…
The new Kliux Zebra vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) doubles the energy generated at lower wind speeds than previous model, while maintaining its ability to architecturally blend into urban environments Kliux Energies remains at the forefront of technology and innovation in small wind energy. As a result of continuous R&D effort done by parent company Geolica…
The ENECO 2 project is for the development of eco-innovation and cross-border cooperation between SMEs. Provides a catalog of tools for eco-innovation and creates a space of mutual knowledge on eco-innovation, environment and CSR. It is included in the Programme for Territorial Cooperation Spain-France-Andorra, and its main objectives are: eco-innovation, sharing and cooperation. Kliux- continues…
Interview with Iñaki Eguizábal in “La Lanzadera” de RNE-Radio Exterior, which presents the new trading model, through leasing equipment. In addition, Kliux’s president claimed access to finance for the Spanish projects, especially on R & D. http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/la-lanzadera/lanzadera-kliux-arrendar-tecnologia-29-10-13/2106068/
Windheat Project: research and development against the icing on the wind turbine blade Because of the meeting held in Logroño, Eolus magazine has published an interview with Enrique Lopez, CEO of Geolica Innovations, to illustrate and explain the “Project WindHeat” whose coordinator is Geolica Innovations. WindHeat Project aims to design an effective system for detecting…
On Thursday October 10, Kliux Energies-Geolica Innovations developed a training day for a group of students to the prestigious Tecnun, School of Engineering of University of Navarra. From the R & D were provided with information and knowledge about our participation in European projects, developments and breakthroughs in our product, but above all, guidelines…
Kliux Energies was one of the finalists in the prestigious competition Spain StartUp & Investor Summit, held last Friday, October 11. Kliux competed in the category “Global Growth” and subcategory “Energy and Industry”. The company was selected as one of the best and most cutting-edge business projects in Spain, after a selection process among more…
The supplement “Innova +” by Vocento Group published an article related to the different ways of implementing innovative projects in our country. Kliux Energies is again reference as an innovator business talking about the “patent box”: system by establishing a company that capitalizes all the innovation (patents, models) and then to market it or transfer…